Time left For My 1st Year Blogging!

Friday, March 18, 2011

What Will You Do In April Fools?

Ih! tOdaY i wiLL taLk AbOut ApRil f0oLs! IM SO0 ReaDY! wHaT wILl YoU dReSS? heRE iS SomE ExaMpSE I HAeV: (onLy f0r privIte serVers or for you to dress If yoRu a mEmeBer

WhiCH l0Ok D0 Yuo LiKe? CoMMten BeLOW! CoMMEtn iF yOuR ReAYd! F0R aPrIL fO0sl!

Note:If you undertand what i wrote i will give you a shoutout and and i will sub you!

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@wwfvswwe Here you go XD